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"Naivedyam" Quarterly magazine by Chennai Warrier Samajam


Congratulations to all behind this publication:

"Good morning friends!

Very proud to present to you our re-christened Quarterly Magazine - NAIVEDYAM.

Thanks to everyone for the overwhelming support by way of encouragement and contributions by way of articles, poems, short stories, puzzles, co-ordination, troubleshooting, and, for the first time, an advertisement!

We live in the age of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning - so why should our magazine lag behind?

You can now read the contents online, flipping through the pages, just like you would do with a physical book!

On your mobile screen, the magazine will show up one page at a time, while on larger screens like desktops or laptos, maybe even on tablets, it will show up like a regular book - two pages side-by-side.

Of course, if you want to keep a copy for yourself, you can always download the magazine - it will get downloaded as a regular pdf, and will be available on your device.

Also, for those of you who are unfamiliar with all these online facilities, and would prefer to just view the pdf version, we shall share that too, separately!

Do share this link with all your extended family and relatives across the world!

Until the next issue, wishing you happy reading!


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